Privacy Notice

Silky Road

Data Controller:

Heidi Silk Road S.L. Calle Consueta 11, 03320 Elche, Spain

Contact Person for Registration Matters:

Heidi Kjellman

+34 600 509 334

Name of the Register:

Heidi Silk Road S.L. Customer Register

Basis for Register Maintenance:
The individual has submitted the contact form to the company with the name of the company
Heidi Silk Road S.L.

Purpose of the Register:
The purpose of the register is to process and archive orders from Heidi Silk Road S.L. customers.
The information can also be used for the development, analysis, and marketing of Heidi Silk Road
S.L. operations. Personal data is processed within the limits permitted and required by the
Personal Data Protection Act.

Information Contained in the Register:
The customer register contains the following information: the individual’s first and last name,
email address, postal address, phone number, and the message field of contact.

Disclosure of Information:
Customer data will not be disclosed to third parties.

Register Protection:

The register is not provided to third parties. The register is located on a
password-protected server.

Rights of the Data Subject:

A request for access must be made in writing and addressed to the
person responsible for registration matters.